Although this blog is intended as a purely objective analysis of contemporary political and social affairs, there will necessarily be a certain personal undercurrent that will prevail throughout. That is to say that no matter how hard I may try to prevent my own views from biasing what is said here, such endeavours are inevitably doomed to failure from the outset due to the human capacity to only see things through the distorted lens of their own perception.
That being said, I hope to be able to use my own views in order to initiate a wider exploration of the issue in hand - and to foster thought and debate. So to that end, I wish to give a brief summary of my personal circumstances so that any opinions I do covertly express may be easily attributable.
As the title of this post suggests, I am currently unemployed and living in a tumbled-down and wonderfully bohemian London flat that is lovingly referred to as 'The Hovel' - not entirely in jest. It may well seem that as an unemployed Oxford graduate I have nothing better to do than sit at home and while away the hours on the web, but I am currently completing an internship placement at the Sunday Express (not a reflection of my personal political convictions, I hasten to add) in the hope that someone may spot my budding journalistic talent and decide to hire me...It is also because of this journalistic aspiration that I have finally succumbed to the inevitability of social media and started this blog. And I intend to continue it as a personal (and paradoxically, extremely public) way of exploring all those issues and enigmas I find myself faced with in the deluge of information that bombards us every day.
That is, if the ceiling doesn't fall in first...
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